Normally hitting a Pick 6 would be enough big news for one day, but the hits kept coming for Julia Kring after Tricky Causeway completed the must-win Solo 6 sequence Tuesday at Sunland Park.Betting through TwinSpires.com, the 72-year-old retiree put in a 3x2x3x2x2x4 ticket for $28.80 that was live going into the last race. Kring, a veteran bettor who says she plays $100/day a few times each week, knew the likely payouts would be robust with three winners already having paid $15 plus a $39,000 carryover into the day with a mandatory payout to fuel the pool, but she was floored when she saw her winning combination return $31,517.04 for a dime.So you can really imagine her surprise, then, when her account indicated that she had actually won $63,034.08 ($47,276.08 after taxes) because the scratch of one of her three horses in the first leg coupled with the favorite winning that leg actually gave her the winning combination twice.“I was happy when I knew I won the Pick 6, but I almost fainted when I saw what it paid and then again when I saw what I got back,” Kring said from her Frankfort, Kentucky, home on Wednesday between betting races at Keeneland.Kring used Brisnet.com Ultimate Past Performances to handicap the sequence. One element of those PPs she likes is the detailed jockey statistics, which she finds especially useful for circuits she is not as familiar with like New Mexico.Indeed, Kring said she most often plays Kentucky and New York racing but decided to take a look at Sunland on Tuesday because of an ad she saw on the TwinSpires.com homepage touting the carryover and mandatory payout.“I like to play every day, but if I’m on a losing streak I’ll get mad at it and take a few days off,” Kring said. “Of course, I can’t get mad at it for awhile now.”Kring said she will wait for the funds to appear in her bank account before deciding how to spend the money.In addition to Kring’s pair of winning tickets, TwinSpires.com also sold a third dime ticket that hit on a $188.40 play, but that bettor did not wish to be identified.

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Ed DeRosa

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Peter Thomas Fornatale

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Jill Byrne

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Does anyone know the answer to the following question about a Rainbow type of P6: If you have a live single ticket for the whole pool on the favorite and a horse scratches at the gate, do you still get the whole pool if the favorite wins? Or does it revert back to sharing 60% with other winners?
Hi, Sal,
If you scratch into the favorite and you already have the favorite on your ticket then you'd hit it twice and forfeit the jackpot. It's a tough rule for sure.
Observé con los ojos muy abiertos mientras se quitaba la polla medio dura de su ropa interior y al ver esa polla monstruosa comencé a alejarme de ella mientras sacudía mi cabeza negando que esto realmente estaba sucediendo, pero él solo se paró en mi tobillo. deteniendo mi retirada y haciéndome jadear de dolor. Entonces me di cuenta de que las lágrimas caían por mis mejillas aterrorizadas lascivo octavio. "Por favor, por favor no. ¡No hagas esto, por favor!" Sollocé y retrocedí cuando él alcanzó mi cabeza. Él agarró mi cabello nuevamente y me jaló sobre mis rodillas causando que un chillido fuera arrancado de mi garganta, y traté desesperadamente de sacar mis manos de sus restricciones y alejar mi cabeza de la polla que se balanceaba frente a mis ojos theadultcams.com. "¡Cállate! Vas a chuparme la polla como una buena zorrita y si piensas en morderme, tengo unas pinzas en el auto que usaré para sacar cada uno de tus pequeños dientes bonitos, y entonces todavía te voy a joder la mierda. ¿Entendido? gruñó en mi cara y asentí rápidamente, apenas capaz de pensar por completo miedo a este hombre.
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